Wow! If you are like me, you are surprised how quickly another holiday season is upon us. Whatever holidays you celebrate, this time of year can be full of mixed emotions and thoughts. As adults, we might create idealized pictures of the holidays when we were young. Or, we might wish for different holiday experiences from the times we had as children. Either way, this time of year can bring feelings of stress, sadness, renewed grief for departed loved ones, and even pressure. Here are a few parenting tips to maintain balance and wellness through this time of year.
Tip 1: I recently read an article which discussed the visuals in magazines and even store fronts. It reminded the reader that these ads and sets are curated purposefully to sell things, and not realistic to achieve. Shortly after reading the article, my husband walked in the room while I was watching a Christmas Hallmark movie (yes I do watch those occasionally!). He looked at the tv and said "oh a perfect Hallmark house". Between the article and his comment, I realized that I fall victim to the appearances as many do, and can't expect my home to be like those.
Tip 2: Holiday time is filled with many events, activities, and parties. Maintain balance and set some boundaries. Over-scheduling can lead to fatigue, behavioral challenges, and overall, an opposite of family fun. Perhaps, choose 1 or 2 things that you like to do. Maybe there is one thing you want to set as a family tradition. Quality over quantity will maintain family wellness. It's ok to let go!
Tip 3: Family time and experiences make the memories. Your children will remember the meals, games, and joy over what they received as gifts.